• Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:56qqguai
    老师, 请问问为什么 resting-state fMRI 是从 0.01~0.08Hz 呢。。。? 与呼吸和心跳等频率是否直接相关? 先谢谢!
    4850 reads
  • Fri, 06/14/2013 - 02:52Chen0075
     各位老师, 有个VBM的问题,  在做VBM的modulation时候我们经常这样选择: 单击Modulated normalized选择“affine+non-linear only”。这里的affine+non-linear only是什么意义,是说T1像经过affine和non-linear两次normalization,然后得到一幅MNI的图像? 在DPARSFA的VBM里面是如何选择normalization和modulation过程的。 谢谢!
    3014 reads
  • Thu, 06/13/2013 - 15:45Helen Sawaya
     Dear all, I am new to DPARSF and I have a question concerning the z transformed functional connectivity maps. I am a bit surprised at the results because the z values of my maps are pretty low (most are between -0.6 and 1). I did not globally regress my...
    9124 reads
  • Wed, 06/12/2013 - 23:53YAN Chao-Gan
    Dear all, Here is a conversation long time ago on the necessity of removing linear trend before filtering, if we think linear trend is a kind of noise. Hope this information is helpful for some of us! P.S., whether linear trend is meaningful or not, @WANG Xin...
    6895 reads
  • Wed, 06/12/2013 - 14:23qqguai
    老师,请问下:低频的 scanner drift 可以在滤波的时候被抑制,为什么之前还需要对它进行 nuisance covariate regression 呢? 是否回归这一步是为了减弱它对其它频率的影响。。。? 谢谢!
    5748 reads
  • Wed, 06/12/2013 - 09:02foxet
    3886 reads
  • Tue, 06/11/2013 - 23:02chenyuchen1989
    老师您好:        初次做动物的脑功能分析。不知道您是否有大鼠的标准化模板?或者哪位大侠有模板的?应该就是中科院高能物理研究所那种。能否提供给学生使用一下?谢谢! 还有,做rest分析时的mask应该用哪一种?这个我也没有。特向老师求教。谢谢!
    4133 reads
  • Tue, 06/11/2013 - 09:33jenna
     Hello,  I am using REST Functional Connectivity tool to generate the zFC maps and am having this problem: 1) Ultimately, my study will correlate resting state functional connectivity with behavioural scores on a clinical assessment tool....at what...
    4003 reads
  • Sun, 06/09/2013 - 23:36leemon
    ESMRMB Lectures on MR: Educational on Resting State fMRI Vienna – September 2-4, 2013 After the big success of last year’s workshop in Magdeburg, we are proud to announce the 2013 Resting State Educational Workshop taking place in Vienna,...
    4060 reads
  • Sun, 06/09/2013 - 21:50chlai
    Dear REST experts: I noticed that there are several new functions of REST v1.8 when compared to previous version, such as VMHC, degree centrality and GCA. Can anybody tell me the citations or references for these new functions? Thank you. Dr. Lai
    4810 reads