Slice viewer Overlay error

 Dear all,

I am trying to use the Slice Viewer within REST to perform cluster-extent corrections on a paired-t image, but am getting the following error when selecting the t-image as the Overlay:

??? Attempted to access theOverlay(11,190); index out of bounds because
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay at 3281
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetView_Orthogonal at 1748
theSagittalImg =AddOverlay('Sagittal' ,AConfig,
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetImage at 1663
Result =SetView_Orthogonal(AConfig);
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 458
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 558
rest_sliceviewer('ChangeOverlay', AFigHandle);

I have never encountered this issue before with any of my other statistical images, so I am wondering if anyone here can help me fix this issue?  It is likely relevant that my paired-t images were created in SPM8, but used ICA-component images (from GIFT; r-to-z transformed; subject and session specific) as the inputs for the paired-t test.  I'm assuming the issue arises due to unusual dimensions in the ICA component images, but whatever the cause is I would certainly like to work around it.

Thanks for your help and advice,

Ben M

yes, your assumption is right. The image dimension of your ica results did not in agreement of REST sliceviewer. Currently, REST sliceviewer only accept those with "ordinary" dimensions, i.e., 61*73*61 for functional images.  However, you can still use REST --> utilities --> Alphasim correction, to calculate a cluster-size-based threshold for further use in another toolbox such as Xjview.