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在SPM8的manual里第62页讲到1st level analysis的Timing parameters设置时,提到“Also, with long TRs you may want to shift the regressors so that they are aligned to a particular slice. This is e ected by changing the microtime resolution and onset.”


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Rest img mismatch after AFNI normalization

Hi everybody,

I'm currently processing a series of rest fmri data which need to be manually normalized.

The procedure briefly goes like this:

 -- dparsf completed the pre-normalization steps from 'dicom->nifti' to 'realign'
 -- toggle spm, 'coregister: estimate', 

 -- switch AFNI,
   '3dWarp -deoblique' and '3drefit -markers ' to generate sturctural .HEAD/BRIK pair

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Can anyone expert here help me?

Hello, everyone here!
 We are planning to launch a resting brain fMRI research with Philips 3T MRI scanner, but we don't know how to set the parameters,
can you experts here tell me how to set the related parameters in detail? Any advise will be much appreciated! Thank you!