最近两天,用rest做functional connectivity 一直无法读入数据,添加数据后也是变绿色,但是就是不显示数据,请问这是怎么回事,谢谢。。
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最近两天,用rest做functional connectivity 一直无法读入数据,添加数据后也是变绿色,但是就是不显示数据,请问这是怎么回事,谢谢。。
Dynamic brain connectome (DynamicBC) analysis toolbox is a Matlab toolbox to calculate Dynamic Functional Connectivity (d-FC) and Dynamic Effective Connectivity (d-EC). Sliding window analysis (Bivariate Pearson correlation and Granger causality) and time varying parameter regression method (Flexible Least Squares) are two dynamic analysis strategies for time-variant connectivity analysis in the DynamicBC. Granger causality density/strength (GCD/GCS) and functional connectivity density/strength (FCD/FCS) analysis would be performed in this toolbox. Add DynamicBC's directory to MATLAB's path and enter "DynamicBC" in the command window of MATLAB to enjoy it.
The latest release is DynamicBC2.2_20181112
Manual could also be downloaded here.
New features of DynamicBC 2.0 release 20180311:
--Fixed minor bugs in the Clustering module.
New features of DynamicBC 2.0 release 20171228:
1. Changed the toolbox cover.
2. Added the new module for dynamic intrinsic brain activity (dynamic ALFF).
New features of DynamicBC 1.2 release 20160415:
Fixed the step bugs when selecting window size.
New features of DynamicBC 1.1 release 20140710:
1. Added the new utilties including the ‘Clustering’ and 'Spectrum' for dynamic FC/EC time series.
2. Added the new output of variance of dynamic FC/EC time series.
New features of DynamicBC 1.0 release 20140429:
This release fixed some minor bugs in dynamic FCD.
Dear experts,
I'm quite new with the toolkit REST,
and I have a doubt:
I have two groups (paitents-healthy controls) and I have 2 resting-state runs for each subject.
Once I performed ReHo (and ALFF/fALFF) calculation for each single run,
大家好!我是一名刚开始接触resting-state fMRI 的学生,我这里有一些核磁数据,但不知道怎么分出是自上而下扫的还是相反方向,也分不出是隔层扫的还是顺序扫的,我想请教大家有没有什么软件之类的可以自动分出。
Error using flipud (line 19)
X must be a 2-D matrix.
Error in rest_ImgCal_gui>img_cal (line 481)
eval(['Y = ' f ';']);
Error in rest_ImgCal_gui>btnCompute_Callback (line 228)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
请问DPARSFA最新版本计算degree cenrality得到的是global FCD还是local FCD?
另外,network centrality与node centrality 或nodal centrality是否为同义词?
Xiao-dong Zhang
jinling hospital