November 2014



1. REST的旋转角记录的是标准角,请问标准角是指多少度呢?
2. T1的旋转角记录的是矢状位,这个又是多少度呢?
3. 我们数据的TR是2530(在北师大采的数据),但我看很多研究里面T1的TR是7-8ms,而另一部分则是1000-3000ms,为什么差别这么大呢?



Dear Experts

I have identified DMN using ICA algorithm and I would like to examin effective connectivity using GCA.
As far as I know unlike functional connectivity,effective connectivity is presented as a set of nodes (regions) and edges. How should I specify nodes and edges?How could I obtain path coefficients?
Many thanks in advance.


Cluster 7 Number of voxels: 287 Peak MNI coordinate: -3 -24 51 Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Medial Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 6 // Paracentral_Lobule_L (aal) Peak intensity: 4.0519 # voxels structure 287
--TOTAL # VOXELS-- 241 Frontal Lobe
155 Right Cerebrum
136 Gray Matter
127Paracentral Lobule
124 Left Cerebrum
107 Medial Frontal Gyrus
92 White Matter
81 brodmann area 6
64 Cingulum_Mid_R (aal)
57 Supp_Motor_Area_L (aal)
52 Supp_Motor_Area_R (aal)
37 Paracentral_Lobule_L (aal)
36 Cingulum_Mid_L (aal) 35 Paracentral_Lobule_R (aal)
34 brodmann area 31
33 Limbic Lobe
28 Cingulate Gyrus
17 Sub-Gyral
11 brodmann area 5 10 brodmann area 24 8 Inter-Hemispheric 5 Parietal Lobe 4 Precuneus_R (aal)

Segmentation by DARTEL Templates

 Hello DPARSFA researchers,

I'm working with two different subject populations - one which has 31 rfMRI slices and 240 time points and one which has 36 slices and 300 time points. There are a couple of patients who have different numbers of slices as well (e.g., 32 and 33). So far, I've run:


       请教:1. 用dpabi做REHO的统计学分析,在统计学计算时没有加BRAIN mask,看图做Alphasim时加Brain mask的得到的结果,与在统计学计算时加BRAIN mask,看图做Alphasim时加Brain mask的得到的结果完全不同,哪个是对的呢?
                2. 同一组被试前、中、后,3个时间段比较是否应该用ANCOVA(repeated measure)分析,之后再做两两分析时一定是在ANCOVA有意义的区域才可以,对吗?


 这次会议邀请了NIDA所长、著名成瘾研究科学家Nora Volkow, 艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法发明人何大一,研究吸烟有关的基因方面著名的学者Ming Li 教授,在成瘾治疗方面卓有成著的

Yih-Ing Hser教授,在成瘾和艾滋病研究方面享有盛誉的Linda Chang (2015 HBM在夏威夷的组织主席) 等等,希望国内从事成瘾研究的同仁积极参加。会议网站为