September 2015

关于Cl. Report体素大小问题

 老师,你好。您说Cl. Report中的体素太小(如9  Left Cerebellum, 9  Declive, 9  Cerebellum Posterior Lobe,6  Sub-Gyral,5  brodmann area 18,2  Occipital_Mid_L (aal))需排除,不用汇报进我们的实验结果中,但究竟体素多小时才需要排除掉?有什么标准么?

Cluster 1
Number of voxels: 112
Peak MNI coordinate: -45 -78 -12

关于Cl. Report体素大小问题

 老师,你好。您说Cl. Report中的体素太小(如9  Left Cerebellum, 9  Declive, 9  Cerebellum Posterior Lobe,6  Sub-Gyral,5  brodmann area 18,2  Occipital_Mid_L (aal))需排除,不用汇报进我们的实验结果中,但究竟体素多小时才需要排除掉?有什么标准么?

Cluster 1
Number of voxels: 112
Peak MNI coordinate: -45 -78 -12



我查阅了关于多重比较校正的相关论坛,在SPM5里results选项中,有个默认的FDR及FWE校正的按钮,这个按钮默认的是对voxel-wise 的FDR及FWE的校正,这个校正相对比较严格。而Cluster-wise的校正相对比较宽松一点。我用voxel-wise 的FDR及FWE的校正跑出了一片空白脑区。所以想用Cluster-wise的FDR校正。


Problems when trying to run REST v1.8

Hi all,

I am new to using REST_V1.8_130615 fMRI toolbox extension in SPM12 and am having some problems when trying to start the REST toolbox.
I am using Matlab version 2015a and SPM12 on Windows 10 64-bit machine.

I am able to start the REST toolbox however when I start by typing "rest" in the command window I get the following error


Hi there,
I've got a question regarding the granger causality analysis. I've got an fMRI block design where I get activations in two main language areas. I'm now interested to test whether region A exerts influence on region B or whether region B exerts more influence on region A. Can I use REST-GCA even though it is a block design?

Thanks very much for your help!


run ica 后想用FNC 工具箱一直报错,提示contrast parameter size does not the match number of number of groups?不知道哪里错了?

run ica 后想用FNC 工具箱一直报错,提示contrast parameter size does not the match number of number of groups?不知道哪里错了?



Behavioral Covariate in FC analysis

I'm investigating whether the functional connectivity strength between a seed ROI and other areas in the brain is associated with age (an individual-level covariate). Therefore, I generated functional connectivity maps indicating areas whose activity was correlated with my chosen seed at rest.