• Wed, 02/27/2019 - 20:45helloqsh
    41574 reads
  • Tue, 01/22/2019 - 21:26helloqsh
    老师好,我得到了被试的时间序列,想转换为功率谱密度曲线,请问具体怎么操作?谢谢! 我通过matlab这样做不知道对不对: x=dlmread('*timecourse.txt');%一个被试的时间序列 y=fft(x); %进行傅里叶转换 N=1060; %数据共有1060 timepoints fs=1./0.392; %采样频率计算为:1./TR,我数据的TR为0.392s f=(0:N-1)*fs/N; %计算数据的频域区间f mag=abs(y); %计算数据的频谱幅值mag %%%因为从f 向量内发现...
    9324 reads
  • Sun, 01/13/2019 - 17:30helloqsh
    老师好,用RESTplus的 extract ROI signals 从ALFF_map*.nii 图像上提取了223个ROI的 signal,请问这个signal是ALFF值吗?如果不是,那我要是想提取每个ROI的ALFF值,应该如何操作? 非常感谢!
    10092 reads
  • Wed, 09/12/2018 - 10:19kvoigt
    Hi,  I'm running into issues during the coregistration step. I get the following error:  Error using gunzip>gunzipwrite (line 234) Unexpected end of input stream when attempting to GUNZIP the file "/projects/dw56/Kati/Projects/...
    4658 reads
  • Wed, 09/12/2018 - 10:19kvoigt
    Hi,  I'm running into issues during the coregistration step. I get the following error:  Error using gunzip>gunzipwrite (line 234) Unexpected end of input stream when attempting to GUNZIP the file "/projects/dw56/Kati/Projects/...
    3596 reads
  • Mon, 08/27/2018 - 22:57doctorsol
    各位老师,我按照VBM说明书用dartel tool(creat template)生成了平均灰质模板,Template_0到Template_16 这17个文件,请问哪一个是可用的模板文件?是最后一个?还是根据肉眼精度来判断?肉眼看template_6和template_13比较清晰,最后生成的template_16并不清晰。 我看了一些帖子,别人都是自动生成了6张,选择最后生成的template_6,我是使用的默认设置,不知道为什么会生成17个文件,我只做了creat template是不是已经生成了最终模板...
    3896 reads
  • Sun, 07/22/2018 - 12:09Sun Yuan
    老师你好,我之前在做统计分析双样本T检验的时候mask file那里用的是BrainMask_05_61x73x61(因为在一个论坛的回答里面看到),但是在视频里您讲的是要用QC那个模块里生成的group mask,想知道用BrainMask_05_61x73x61可以吗?
    4953 reads
  • Fri, 07/20/2018 - 17:19ftothao
    Hello,    I have a problem with may results after using new version of matlab. The time I want to view my results from t-test in spm, there appears the warning: No voxels survive   This is new, since I updated matlab. I would be glad for any...
    3864 reads
  • Fri, 07/20/2018 - 17:18ftothao
    Hello,    I have a problem with may results after using new version of matlab. The time I want to view my results from t-test in spm, there appears the warning: No voxels survive   This is new, since I updated matlab. I would be glad for any...
    4273 reads
  • Mon, 07/09/2018 - 21:391336770362@qq.com
    3614 reads