Wed, 06/20/2018 - 19:28WJM各位老师、专家: 你们好。 我有一点关于使用dparsf进行结构像预处理的问题请教,详见附件。 十分感激。 WJM 2018.06.204318 reads
Mon, 06/18/2018 - 20:55nikitann2018nn老师,您好 我在使用dpabi时运行到 generating automask begin时就开始报错,Error using abs,OUT of memory.这是什么原因呢?我之前用spm完成和预处理都没有问题的,不知道为什么使用dpabi总是卡在这一步。谢谢 nn4136 reads
Wed, 05/30/2018 - 17:37AflieaAnalyzing and transferring files to the workers ...done. 错误使用 file_array/subsref>subfun (line 80) 在 'file2mat' 的工作进程上引发了 UndefinedFunction 错误。这可能是因为在这些工作进程上无法访问包含 'file2mat' 的 文件。使用 addAttachedFiles(pool, files) 指定要附加的必要文件。请参阅 'parallel.Pool/...8669 reads
Wed, 05/30/2018 - 17:37AflieaAnalyzing and transferring files to the workers ...done. 错误使用 file_array/subsref>subfun (line 80) 在 'file2mat' 的工作进程上引发了 UndefinedFunction 错误。这可能是因为在这些工作进程上无法访问包含 'file2mat' 的 文件。使用 addAttachedFiles(pool, files) 指定要附加的必要文件。请参阅 'parallel.Pool/...9056 reads
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 23:34ayo老師 我使用matlab 2016, spm8, DPARSF_V2.3_130615 run前置分析 但是一直都在FunImgAR此步驟出錯,出錯畫面如下 Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Error in DPARSFA>UpdateDisplay (line 1730) if (theOldIndex>0)...3045 reads
Thu, 05/10/2018 - 14:09TIAN Xing-Chenwhen slice:30 reference slice:29 Error:index exceeds matrix dimensions why ?? when slice:30 reference slice:2 Error:An UndefinedFunction error was thrown on the workers for 'file2mat'. This might be because the file...3224 reads
Mon, 05/07/2018 - 09:56TIAN Xing-Chen在DPABI中的DPARSFA中预处理后,没有输出其他文件,只有FunImg文件输出,也没有报错,请问是怎么回事?matlab版本是2013b,rest1.8,spm8。2797 reads
Wed, 04/25/2018 - 18:16Lena1491Dear all, I am very new to the Rest toolbox and have two questions regarding the ALFF analysis with Rest. 1. I am wondering why it appears as if my brain input is "distorted" after the bandpass filtering step or when I exclude the filtering, after the ALFF...8136 reads
Mon, 04/16/2018 - 17:40byz老师,您好!我在用DPABI软件进行静息态数据预处理,单独处理一个人的数据时可以运行处理成功。如果同时导入多名被试,MATLAB命令窗口就会报以下错误,DPABI运行失败,想跟老师请教下这是问题根源在哪里? Error using file_array/subsref>multifile2mat (line 177)File is smaller than the dimensions say it should be.Error in file_array/subsref>subfun (line...6267 reads
Mon, 01/29/2018 - 00:05rene.andrade.reyHello: I have some issues with resting-state fMRI. I can´t see anything popping up with ReHo and with Functional Connectivity I have some issues related to the buttons in the GUI they don´t do any action.2889 reads