Sun, 12/03/2017 - 13:37ben各位老师您好: 我现在有三个问题想提问 第一个是: 我在进行Coregister: reslice的时候(调整ROI模板解析度),出现以下错误讯息 Attempted to access theOverlay(122,1); index out of bounds because size(theOverlay)=[121,237]. Error in rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay (line 3281) ...3647 reads
Wed, 11/29/2017 - 01:06DIAfter clicking Fun.Connectivity or other buttons, wrong alerts alway exist on the command window. For example, ‘错误使用 matlab.ui.control.UIControl/set’ or '设置类 'UIControl' 的属性 'CData' 时出错: 值必须为用于定义真彩色图像的三维 RGB 值矩阵。每个值都必须介于 0.0 和 1.0 或 NaN 之间。' Why, thanks for...8256 reads
Sun, 11/05/2017 - 10:20jiaxizeFor "AROIDef", you can only use ";" to separate different ROI. If you use "," to separate different ROI, you can only get the FC map of first ROI. This bug will fixed in RESTplus V1.3.3222 reads
Mon, 10/30/2017 - 10:14xushuai严老师您好!我想问一下,使用DPARSFA做预处理,发现标准化完成后的图像都有小黑点,这种情况是什么造成的?以及该怎样解决?5135 reads
Wed, 10/25/2017 - 22:33anjariesHi, I would like to know whether the Degree Centrality calculation is based on positive correlations only, or also on negative correlations? If I set a correlation threshold of r=0.2 will it take the absolute values of correlation and include negative...2860 reads
Wed, 10/25/2017 - 22:32anjariesHi, I would like to know whether the Degree Centrality calculation is based on positive correlations only, or also on negative correlations? If I set a correlation threshold of r=0.2 will it take the absolute values of correlation and include negative...2932 reads
Wed, 10/25/2017 - 22:32anjariesHi, I would like to know whether the Degree Centrality calculation is based on positive correlations only, or also on negative correlations? If I set a correlation threshold of r=0.2 will it take the absolute values of correlation and include negative...4993 reads
Mon, 10/16/2017 - 14:54ben各位老师 您好 在计算功能网路时,点选ROI wise后,放入ROI 我想问是否有方法将多个ROI放入一个NII档案, 然后REST读取此NII档案,可以顺利读取里面数个ROI 可以不用手动输入多个ROI到 ROI List 谢谢13751 reads
Fri, 10/13/2017 - 14:33runningboy各位老师,大家好!本人初入大脑结构功能网络研究这个方向。之前有一批结构数据已经用explorer dti做完了预处理,现在接下来要计算结构网络的各项物理参数比如rich club系数,小世界特性等等。不知道哪位老师处理过结构数据,可否分享一下批处理操作过程。本人不胜感激!在功能网络论坛请教结构网络内容,冒昧打扰,还望老师们谅解!8306 reads
Thu, 10/12/2017 - 21:12wujingxifmri预处理之后怎么做置换检验,置换检验之后怎么做多重校正,多重校正是否可用于置换检验,希望能得到大家解答7408 reads