Thu, 11/01/2012 - 05:50liufeng各位好: 我用最近版的dparsf和rest跑数据,自动把我的数据存成了4D文件,这样导致我做回归全脑信号、wm csf信号时出错。而且貌似waitbar不出现了。 能不能自动的将4D convert成3D+time points呢? 谢谢6837 reads
Wed, 10/31/2012 - 23:32TimhahnDear all - I extracted the connectivity matrix between all ROIs from the atlases provided with DPARSFA (AAL, Craddock, Dosenbach, ...). How do I find out the name of each ROI for each atlas? For the Harvard Oxford Atlas a file with anatomical...23369 reads
Wed, 10/31/2012 - 15:56lwz110911大家好: 在rest做完双样本T检验后,我用MRIcro软件打开 如图所示(红色标记) 我想知道这个比值代表这什么,有什么意义。 ...15718 reads
Wed, 10/31/2012 - 11:361039041350我用zReHo,zfALFF做完单样本t检验,用Rest的Viewer看时,没办法调节p值,出现错误 ??? Undefined function or method 'tcdf' for input arguments of type 'double'. Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>ThrdtoP at 4910 AConfig.Overlay.ValueP=2*(1-tcdf(Thrd,AConfig.Df.Ttest)); Error...4693 reads
Tue, 10/30/2012 - 15:30TimhahnDear all, I ran a seed-based connectivity analysis using DPARSF and REST. While all images look fine in FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered, after removing the covariates, they look strangely distorted (and are not in the usual...7258 reads
Mon, 10/29/2012 - 20:19yanzhou严老师您好: 想请教下Restv1.8中的Degree Centrality如何使用?Input data 取预处理后哪一步的数据,r 的threshold 该取多少合适?7529 reads
Mon, 10/29/2012 - 19:45lwz110911大家好: 在用dparsf软件得到ReHo,ALFF后,我用rest做了双样本t检验(对照组的smReHo,抑郁组的smReHo。对照组smALFF,抑郁组的smALFF)我有几个问题想问问大家。 1 这样做出来的结果具有统计学上的显著差异么? 如果没有请问为什么呢? ...13235 reads
Mon, 10/29/2012 - 00:18jigongjunNeuroimage. 2012 Oct 17. pii: S1053-8119(12)01020-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.10.017. [Epub ahead of print] Toward reliable characterization of functional homogeneity in the human brain: Preprocessing, scan duration, imaging resolution and...3610 reads
Wed, 10/24/2012 - 13:02wujingxi大家好: 我用REST-Utilities-XJVIEW-CI. Report计算cluster中VOXEL数目,发现Total的cluster数目是39,但是其中有WHITE MATTER 11个,这种情况下,在文章报道中,需要写39还是28? 谢谢9504 reads
Wed, 10/24/2012 - 12:12moon大家好,严老师好,我想比较两组被试的杏仁核体积、活动强度及功能连接强度的差异,除了手画、任务态激活区检测之外,现在比较常用的方法是怎样的,要用什么软件?期待回复6671 reads