Thu, 10/04/2012 - 04:06bhartonHi all, I am adding motion (3 translational and 3 rotational) as well as CSF and white matter signals as covariates in my functional connectivity analyses. Before I run functional connectivity, I have been regressing out these covariates from my data files...5803 reads
Wed, 10/03/2012 - 12:54kissjoy老師您好,目前我於研究上正使用REST 1.3這套軟體 有看過網站上的操作手冊及教學影片,但是對於Power spectrum的相關分析方式還是不太了解。 1. 影片內容中一開始點選REST Power spectrum 後選取的影像該選哪一組影像呢? 是SPM做完前處理的影像,還是要用之後REST_detrend的影像? 因為發現不同的影像下去計算好像出來的結果會不一樣。 2. 計算出的Power spectrum圖表還有其他相關資訊嗎? 因為好像只有移動不同的Voxel點會出現不同的Power...7203 reads
Sun, 09/30/2012 - 22:19xyuan学习vbm分析,使用了dparsfa的新分割与dartel的模板处理,非常方便,但是我想知道软件内部具体的操作流程与参数如何设置的?最后出来的结果应该是平滑过了,平滑核是多少?直接统计好像都是散点,我自己又平滑(8)一次;我自己又按vbm tutorial(john ashburner写的)的流程与参数跑了一遍,感觉出来结果不同,所以想知道贵软件vbm的流程参数设置如何,与vbm tutorial文中区别在哪里?还有贵软件做vbm过程中,dicom格式转换有问题,co前缀有时候缺失,软件就卡住了;...34779 reads
Sun, 09/30/2012 - 07:21JackyEach time we run the dparsf, the PS file for visualizing movement is overwriten. Is there anyway to just append the new subjects the next time we run DPARSF? e.g. I run 30 subjects and generate a PS file for these 30 subjects, and if I add another subject and...5305 reads
Sat, 09/29/2012 - 14:51lwz110911我的数据做到了空间标准化,没做reho ALFF fALFF 能接着做么?5963 reads
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 20:10adminFor server movement, restfmri.net service would be temporally shutdown, which will last about 4 hours in the morning of 2012-10-2, Beijing time.6305 reads
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 12:30taobao2010各位老师好: 我在贵实验室Wu, J.T., et al., Aging-related changes in the default mode network and its anti-correlated networks: A resting-state fMRI study. Neuroscience letters, 2011.的文章上看到采用小球法提出四个区域:PCC+、PCC-、vmPFC+、vmPFC-。将这四个区域取并集后构成的Mask,称之为默认网络及其负相关网络(default...9243 reads
Wed, 09/26/2012 - 09:29yangshuo严老师在http://www.restfmri.net/forum/node/764这个问题里提到FC的双样本T检验使用全脑mask,校正后再乘以两组1T的mask。根据这个我的作法是用全脑mask做双样本T检验,得到的T图用rest image caculate 乘以两组1T的mask,然后看结果用的全脑mask的校正,校前0.01,平滑核是6,alphasim校正用的是全脑mask的校正:clusters40,rmm5,p9899 reads
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 18:36wleewell望严老师帮忙分析下原因: 1、试用新版DPARSFA预处理数据时,发现以下报错,另外想把剔除协变量放在滤波前,输入FunImgARWS图像,同样出现类似的报错。 Generating voxel specific head motion for G:\analysis\RealignParameter\sub_001_NC\rp_a20111119_085529ep2dpacedyntmocosunyu3T-018-20s003a001_011.txt...??? Error using ==> class...6072 reads
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 01:57druzgalHi, I have been testing some of the features on DPARSFA V2.2PRE. When running on data from either 1 or 2 subjects using the options from "Calculate in MNI Space: TRADITIONAL Order", everything processes smoothly with parallel workers set at 0. However, when I...8953 reads