• Mon, 09/24/2012 - 17:51wleewell
    论坛老师好! 有几个问题想看看大家的意见。 1、AlphaSim与Gaussian random-field theory校正那个更严格,分别都更适用于那些情况呢?通常我发现GRF校正voxel P值设为z>2.3,这个值相当于p值多少呢,可否再设的松一点?REST新版加入了GRF校正,可否就该校正的参数设置及意义做一讲解呢? 2、前面严老师说REST中的REST smoothest可以估计校正要求的平滑值,对此有些不解:统计学检验图估计smooth值有什么意义? 3、我发现REST slice...
    8276 reads
  • Mon, 09/24/2012 - 11:52Fede
    Dear REST expert, I have a question about the statistic method for the FC analysis. We have a single case vs a group of controls(N = 12). We don't know which test is suitable for the comparison between this single case and a group of controls. Best regards...
    8014 reads
  • Mon, 09/24/2012 - 04:21YAN Chao-Gan
    Dear all, A brief introduction of DPARSF V2.2 Advanced Edition has been updated to http://restfmri.net/forum/course Please see the updated "Part III" Release 120923. Thanks, Chao-Gan
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  • Mon, 09/24/2012 - 01:29lena123
    Dear Chao-Gan et al., Greetings. I am running voxelwise bivariate GCA from the GUI. Unfortunately only the x to y maps are getting z transformed, not the y to x maps. Can you suggest a solution? I have a load of y to x maps that I want to normalise using the...
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  • Sat, 09/22/2012 - 09:44zhangyue
    最近对小世界网络很感兴趣,有一些问题想请教严老师. 1 有些文献提到,在比较病人组和正常对照组的全局小世界网络参数,比如local efficiency时候,说采用了FGR校正.我有些奇怪,每个被试只有一个local efficiency值,为什么还要校正?是不是可能是cost取值比较多,比如说cost 0.1~0.4,步长0.01的话,总共有30个值, 把这30个值同时考虑校正,比如说最严格的取p=0.05/30? 2 在比较两组数据之间的脑区的参数时,比如说nodal degree,...
    8282 reads
  • Sat, 09/22/2012 - 05:50comani
    Hello, I got the following error when trying to load the overlay a T map generated with the 2 sample T test function. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it? I am using Matlab 2011b with the Image Processing and Statistics toolboxes. Thank you....
    4595 reads
  • Sat, 09/22/2012 - 00:16liudagang
    4784 reads
  • Thu, 09/20/2012 - 20:27lena123
    Dear REST team There seems to be some problem in calling the mPF_list variable for degree centrality I am using a recursively called directory with 20 subjects, each subject folder containing 235 volumes Pls see the message below: Starting matlabpool using...
    9637 reads
  • Wed, 09/19/2012 - 20:16liudagang
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  • Wed, 09/19/2012 - 18:50vvillalta
    Dear all, We have analyzed alff and falff comparing HC and OCD subjects within different bands (slow 2, 3 4 and 5). We would like to regress cardiac and respiratory information from the alff/falff maps. Could you please indicate me how to do so? Thanks very...
    4020 reads