• Tue, 07/31/2012 - 16:44cancas
    各位老师,运行DPARSF中出错 这是什么原因啊 求助。。 报错如下: Printing Graphics Windows to F:\Analysis\FunImg\spm_2012Jul31.ps Saving Parameters.. Moving Normalized Files:Sub_000 OKMoving Normalized Files:Sub_001 OK ??? Error using ==> rmdir 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。 Error in ==>...
    36542 reads
  • Mon, 07/30/2012 - 22:14jigongjun
    Epilepsy Behav. 2012 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print] Do the basal ganglia inhibit seizure activity in temporal lobe epilepsy? Rektor I, Kuba R, Brázdil M, Chrastina J. Abstract There is substantial evidence in the literature that the basal ganglia (BG...
    35141 reads
  • Mon, 07/30/2012 - 15:15朝阳七号
    老师您好:        我现在虽然在做任务态的实验,想请教您关于FDR校正的问题。我的实验是比较一组被试学习前、后脑区激活的变化,关心的是枕叶的激活。学习前单样本T检验得到激活簇A,学习后单样本T检验得到激活簇B,配对T检验后得到激活簇C。可是三个检验结果都经不起全脑或枕叶的FDR校正(即用全脑做mask或枕叶做mask,Q值取0.05)。我可不可以采用以下方法:先做P=0.05未校正,再在rest中save clusters ,分别保存P=...
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  • Mon, 07/30/2012 - 15:12modi_shilpi
    I performed an fMRI task for attention. Then using the 'con files' of all the subjects, I performed a multiple regression analysis in SPM8, with a behavioral score as covariate to identify the regions that have a positive or negative correlation with the...
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  • Sat, 07/28/2012 - 08:26Miki
    Hi, when I do two same analyses (e.g. ALFF) with two separate Matlab at the same time in the same user account, I found that it is likely that one of the analysis crashes with the other. I notice that they both produce and erase tmp files with random numbers...
    36721 reads
  • Fri, 07/27/2012 - 01:23287391600
    老师:       您好!希望可以请教一个ica的问题。       我一直都在做ica的处理,如果我想比较病人组与正常对照组运动网络的差异,怎么定义比较的mask,因为如果在全脑水平上比较,出现差异的地方有可能是负激活的区域,可是我只要比较正的激活的运动网络,所以比较的mask就不知道怎么选了?      另外,还是一个基本概念的问题,ica得出的具体意义怎么说,...
    38079 reads
  • Thu, 07/26/2012 - 20:56zhj12062003
    你好!我们使用了DPARSFA来运行Dartel的segment和normalization ,但是matlab在运行一段时间以后总会莫名其妙的报错。我们想问问是什么原因(详见下面的error message) Operation terminated by user during spm_figure (line 278) In spm_progress_bar (line 86)         spm_figure('Clear',...
    37291 reads
  • Thu, 07/26/2012 - 10:04wleewell
    论坛老师们: 我用DPASRFA2.1版做功能连接前的预处理,做了slice timing、reliagnment、normalise(T1像)、detrend and filter,继续做了剔除头动、全脑平均、白质、脑脊液协变量后,发现图像变得怪怪的,主要有两个问题,一是所有volume在脑外也出现了信号,二是有部分volume图像整个都是灰灰的,如图。过程中文件夹都正常生成了,后面的功能连接图也跑的顺利。 我单跑了剔除头动或剔除全脑平均等,并且用rest软件试了下,换成spm5等等,还是这种情况,...
    38646 reads
  • Sun, 07/22/2012 - 12:52287391600
    老师:       您好!       我用mica做了一组25个人正常对照组静息态的处理,想得到运动网络,但是感觉得到的成分都不是,是我运行的问题还是怎么回事儿呢?       参数大概选取:自动选取,运行次数是50,其余参数大致都默认
    36278 reads
  • Sat, 07/21/2012 - 22:57jigongjun
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 26;109 Suppl 1:10733-40. Epub 2012 Jun 20. A hierarchical model of the evolution of human brain specializations. Barrett HC. Source Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture, Department of Anthropology, University of...
    3314 reads