• Sat, 09/15/2012 - 04:25Jacky
    Hello, I have a multi session fMRI, however, the slice number in each sessoin is different, can DparsfA still run such analysis, I notice that I need to specifiy the slice number in the first step, If I use the FunImg slice number, each time when finish a...
    6463 reads
  • Fri, 09/14/2012 - 22:46bharton
     Dear all, I would like to plot the time courses for two regions in the DMN -- Posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex -- so I can graphically see if the two regions are positively or negatively correlated over time.  I am running...
    6834 reads
  • Fri, 09/14/2012 - 00:02liufeng
    大家好,最近我打算用rest试着跑VMHC,出现以下问题: 我直接打开rest的,然后输入数据目录,提示没数据。 我不知道做VHMC需要哪步的数据,我试过这些目录的数据,都提示no data: FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFiltered FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFilteredCovremoved 应该选择哪一步的数据呢? 谢谢
    12070 reads
  • Thu, 09/13/2012 - 23:26djo155
    Hi Guys, Preprocessed (detrend) my data outside of your toolbox but wanted to use DPARSF to smooth and calculate ALFF, fALFF, etc.  I created the proper folders in FunRaw, put my data in the FunImgNormalized folder, and tried to run just these steps that...
    6093 reads
  • Mon, 09/10/2012 - 16:43yxyxx111
    大家好!向大家求教一个问题:能否采用reho或alff进行纵向研究? 我对同一批人间隔三年进行了两次resting-fmri的扫描,但是我不知道采用配对样本t检验对前后数据进行处理在方法学上是否行得通,因为fmri的可重复性并不是特别好。另外,如果可以的话,在数据处理时,除了采用配对样本t检验之外,还有没有其他的事情需要引起注意(就是和横断面研究有什么区别)?先谢谢大家了!
    4548 reads
  • Sat, 09/08/2012 - 00:49will
    11584 reads
  • Fri, 09/07/2012 - 17:44zhy
    老师,您好! 请教一个问题,我用REST做静息态的数据的filter分析时,结果感觉有问题。如图所示,左边是filter之前的数据,右边是filter之后的数据,请问问题出在哪?使用或不适用mask都出现类似的结果。我用的是Matlab7.11.0,rest1.6。多谢赐教!
    10487 reads
  • Wed, 09/05/2012 - 11:59YAN Chao-Gan
    Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) is a convenient plug-in software based on SPM and REST. You just need to arrange your DICOM files, and click a few buttons to set parameters, DPARSF will then give all the preprocessed (slice...
    76493 reads
  • Mon, 09/03/2012 - 06:06shuxie
    4882 reads
  • Sat, 09/01/2012 - 15:20yanzhou
       老师您好:             对于提取时间序列有个疑问,选择一个ROI,我们能够得到它的一个时间序列,比如210个时间点,就有210个数据,那我们如何做比较呢?比如两组间的比较.
    9364 reads