• Wed, 08/15/2012 - 16:10Klas
    Dear YAN Chao-Gan, I saw you posted a script ( y_Smoothest) which calculates the inherent smoothness of a data set. Thanks for publishing that script, but I have a couple of question related to that: I wonder if one should rather use the residuals of the GLM...
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  • Tue, 08/14/2012 - 21:30Chen0075
    各位老师: 请问一个ICA的问题:有3组subjects的静息态数据,其中2组同时采了follow-up的data;请问面对这样的“5组”数据时,ICA是否适用(比如分离DMN)。如果适用,那么成分数怎么定,是把全部“5组”的subjects都放进去做估计吗(但是其实真实的人只有3组!)。 另外:我用DPARSF的“extract AAL time course (90 regions)”的方法,提取了90个脑区的时间序列,...
    39121 reads
  • Sat, 08/11/2012 - 10:35287391600
    老师:       您好!       由于我要选择我做的单样本t检验的结果做mask,在进行t检验时,请教阈值如何选择?在spm中有FWE、FDR(xjview中有这个选项)中涉及阈值的选择,我需要严格一些的结果,改如何选择呢,另外cluster的选择有没有一定的规定,一般选择多少?       另外,用spm和rest做出的结果有些出入,我怎么选择呢?...
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  • Sat, 08/11/2012 - 00:18cxl298
    Hi, when i load a simple contrast map from a 2-sample t-test onto the slice viewer and xjview, they provide me with maps with different statistics (p-values not matching). Am i missing something? Christian 
    39831 reads
  • Fri, 08/10/2012 - 07:31cxl298
    Hi, I'm trying to use the REST Power Spectrum tool, but unfortunately with no success. When i click on it, it asks for an EPI brain map to be loaded. When i do feed in a EPI, slice viewer pops up with the small EPI brain maps loaded as the 'underlay' in the...
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  • Wed, 08/08/2012 - 19:29wleewell
    严老师好! 想请问下新版的REST会加入AFNI中的3dClusterSim校正吗,最近听一位老师说3dClusterSim要比Alphasim correction更好,目前更推荐,严老师可否讲一下这两个方法的特点及对比呢? 谢谢!
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  • Wed, 08/08/2012 - 18:52dongqing
    老师您好,我是初学者,我在save cluster时提示这样的错误 Error using rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error (line 64) Meet error while fixing read write error. Please restart MATLAB, and run "rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error" before starting anything. 我按他的提示操作时候提示找不到Fix。我的REST是在咱们官网上下载的,...
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  • Thu, 08/02/2012 - 13:47wleewell
    论坛老师们: 想请教一些GCA的问题。 1、一直感觉大家对这个方法褒贬不一,个人觉得虽然fMRI存在时间分辨率、采样率等不适合GCA的问题,但GCA运用于Fmri还是可以解释一些问题,毕竟静息态脑活动如此复杂,难以说清脑区间活动到底有多长的延迟。但也有人认为该方法根本不适用于fMRI的,此类文章页容易被毙。所以搞不清楚到底应该怎么看待GCA,老师们是否可以加以评论? 2、我用REST-GCA处理中有个问题,数据经常规的预处理、剔除协变量后,做GCA分析,结果发现,有几例受试者的有y2x图像全脑几乎都是黑的,...
    51070 reads
  • Wed, 08/01/2012 - 16:46wleewell
    论坛老师们:      最近积累了几个问题,想问问大家:      1、平滑核的选择。最近遇到文章返修,reviewer说4mm不是最合适,虽然没有继续揪这个问题,但我想看看大家的看法,因为有时候这个选择也会一定程度上影响到结果,是否随便选哪个都不算是大问题?      2、用静息态数据alphasim校正前p值设定的问题。该p值的设定因研究而异,0.001、0.005、0.01、0....
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  • Wed, 08/01/2012 - 01:57Qing Zhao
    I found that the Fourier translation cost most time of the ALFF and fALFF calculating. Maybe we need not to move the power spectrum files after ALFF so if you want fALFF later, REST can run it based on these files and save lots of times, especially when there...
    36287 reads