• Sat, 05/16/2009 - 00:58YukiSakai
    Hi, REST exparts  I'm trying to analyze my resting state fMRI data using by REST functional connectivity. I've tried many times, but I always encount this error. Exception occured Error using ==>eq Matrix dimensions must agree I think that dimensions...
    33849 reads
  • Wed, 05/06/2009 - 09:44YAN Chao-Gan
    Hello, I am trying to analyze some resting state data using REST, but I cannot load the data in the GUI.  Am I correct to assume we need to enter data in conseqcutive file names of ANALYZE format?  The error message I get in Matlab refers to line...
    7454 reads
  • Fri, 05/01/2009 - 14:27sunshine
    各位老师:       大家好!我记得曾经看过一篇文章上说静息态默认网络中的脑区在有刺激的作用下时信号会降低,但现在一直没找到当时看的那篇文章,想请问各位老师是不是真有这个结论,如果有含有这个结论的文章能否给我传一份?谢谢!我的邮箱是:qiuwenjuan1014@yahoo.cn
    10793 reads
  • Wed, 04/29/2009 - 10:02admin
    Thanks to Guillaume Flandin's m2html, the whole up-to-date REST codes is analyzed in html web format at:  http://restfmri.net/pub/rest_20090422/doc/ . And a revised dependency graph is also created at http://restfmri.net/pub/rest_20090422/doc/...
    6912 reads
  • Fri, 04/24/2009 - 13:59restbrain
    Hi, Xiao-Wei I just write these here and suggest you use methods below to get the ranks more quickly: (here I suppose symbol V means a 4D fMRI matrix) %----------------------------------------------- [Y,I]=sort(V,4); [X,R]=sort(I,4...
    17743 reads
  • Thu, 04/23/2009 - 06:44ZangYF
    A long session, 22 minutes: Resting state 9 minutes, and then a blocked design (2 minutes task + 30s rest) 13 minutes. The questions are: (1) Is the head motion a concern? (2) Can the 9-minutes rest be used as a baseline for the data analysis of the blocked...
    4994 reads
  • Tue, 04/21/2009 - 23:00YAN Chao-Gan
    43473 reads
  • Mon, 04/20/2009 - 15:59zqbaxfgg
    我想请问一下rest中fc.m关于去除头动干扰的源码程序 if ACovariablesDef.polort>=0, thePolOrt =(1:sampleLength)'; thePolOrt =repmat(thePolOrt, [1, (1+ACovariablesDef.polort)]); for x=1:(ACovariablesDef.polort+1), thePolOrt(:, x) =thePolOrt...
    7782 reads
  • Tue, 04/14/2009 - 09:04Haibo
    Dear REST experters:       I am new to run REST toolbox. When running ReHO and FC, get the following error messages. I don't know what wrong I did. BTW, do you have some stand along program or easy tools for extracting the time course...
    7755 reads
  • Fri, 04/10/2009 - 16:27admin
    I public a mail concerning about how to resample a mask when defining a ROI. The script is attached at the end of this topic and should save as "rest_reSample3D.m". It is just used to do with mask, and no warranty I could give, although Bui verified...
    44200 reads