• Sun, 12/14/2008 - 12:07admin
    PubMed should be a most familiar tool to search and find our interested papers. If you do not only want to check an article from PubMed but also want to discuss or comment the article, I will show you the method below since discussion may strengthen our...
    54581 reads
  • Tue, 12/09/2008 - 10:35admin
    Neuroreport. 2000 Nov 27;11(17):3849-53.  Both sides of human cerebellum involved in preparation and execution of sequential movements. Cui SZ, Li EZ, Zang YF, Weng XC, Ivry R, Wang JJ. Laboratory for Higher Brain Function,...
    5725 reads
  • Mon, 12/08/2008 - 12:17YAN Chao-Gan
            我们拟于2008年12月20日(周六)上午9:00-11:30在北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室磁共振脑成像中心(科技楼西北侧小红楼)二层211会议室召开静息态功能磁共振脑影像第一期论坛。         本论坛旨在推进国内静息态功能磁共振脑影像的开展,以论坛的形式提高科研人员对静息态fMRI的研究兴趣,...
    24876 reads
  • Fri, 12/05/2008 - 19:01YAN Chao-Gan
    Rest-fMRI数据处理教程是去广州讲课时所编制,请点击这里下载,内容包括以下几大部分: 1. 被试信息整理和原始数据整理。 2. 用SPM5进行预处理(包含如何进行批量处理)。 3. 用REST进行ALFF, ReHo, 功能连接计算。 4. 用SPM5进行统计。 5. 结果呈现。 6. 文献管理的一些知识。
    95833 reads
  • Fri, 12/05/2008 - 15:49YAN Chao-Gan
      Resting-state fMRI data analysis toolkit V1.2 could be downloaded by click here. The latest release is 090101. New features of REST V1.2 release 090101: 1. Now REST can support image saving function within rest_sliceviewer ("Save Image As"...
    33242 reads
  • Thu, 12/04/2008 - 15:34admin
    Resting-state fMRI data analysis toolkit (静息态功能磁共振数据处理工具包) While resting-state fMRI is drawing more and more attention, there is no software specialized for its data analysis. Based on MATLAB, we developed a package named REST. Currently REST has three main...
    39813 reads
  • Thu, 12/04/2008 - 11:39admin
    Default language of this site is English. Currently it also supports Chinese partially. Chaning default site interface language would let you not have to select your home language every time you login to this site. It maybe a convinent way to keep this site...
    8530 reads
  • Wed, 12/03/2008 - 22:01admin
    本组(ZangYF Group)的用户可以更改自己的用户名,所以如果你对你在这里的名字感到不满意,可以更换,嗯,要换的话还是尽早换,另外,换了以后尽量不要再更改,呵呵,不过这些都是建议。 至于是不是本组用户,打开自己的Profile看看能不能改名字就知道了。 如果不是本组用户,而且想更改自己申请的用户名的话,那就给管理员写信吧,由管理员帮你改。
    8647 reads
  • Wed, 12/03/2008 - 21:43admin
    Any questions you encountered with this site could be posted as a comment to this topic. Please feel free to explore this researching site. I hope it be a start point of your resting-state fMRI research interest. One advice is reading “How To Ask...
    157434 reads
  • Sun, 09/17/2023 - 09:06romb442
    I am utilizing the DynamicBC k-means clustering algorithm and have encountered a file called the "Centroid", which is matrix that exhibits smaller values in comparison to the Median cluster. I am interested in understanding the underlying reasons for this...
    4283 reads