Thu, 10/15/2020 - 22:52ErickZhouDear all, I downloaded the Harvard-Oxford atlas (ho_labels.csv and ho_roi_atlas.nii). These two files can be downloaded from http://preprocessed-connectomes-project.org/abide/Pipelines.html, where youu can find "The subcortical and cortical ROIs...3617 reads
Thu, 10/08/2020 - 09:49machinist刚开始写论文想做一些好看的图片,但是找不到哪些软件可以做,感谢大佬解答3970 reads
Mon, 09/07/2020 - 09:26ErickZhou请教各位一个问题。 我看到一些文章,都会把Nodes划分到不同网络,比如看到有的文章说到we utilized data from Smith et al.’s study to assign 264 nodes into 10 functional networks corresponding to the primary resting state networks (RSNs) [40]. [40] S. M. Smith, K. L. Miller, G. Salimi-Khorshidi, M....3707 reads
Wed, 08/12/2020 - 16:22BrittanyFung小白一个,想请问各位大神、前辈、老师: 静息态pCASL磁共振成像是否可以分析结构和功能像,除了它的CBF脑血流的主要特征?有没有老师可以分享一下如何进行分析,谢非常感谢!2353 reads
Wed, 07/29/2020 - 15:06Nicole老师好,我在做基于ROI的FC时候出现这个报错,mask我是选default mask的,检查过协变量数据和放入的被试是一致的,请问怎么解决呢? Exception occured. (MATLAB:catenate:dimensionMismatch) Error using fc (line 112) Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. 112#line, fc, in "F:\0_fMRI_softs\...2651 reads
Wed, 07/15/2020 - 20:46shengk警告: 文件:DPARSFA_run.m 行:760 列:66 临时变量 SliceOrder 将在 parfor 循环的每个迭代开始时被清除。 循环开始前赋给它的任何值都将丢失。如果在 parfor 循环中为它赋值之前使用 SliceOrder,将发生运行时错误。 请参阅 MATLAB 中的并行循环,“临时变量”。 > In DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 1845 In gui_mainfcn at 95 In DPARSFA at 30 警告: 文件:...9811 reads
Fri, 05/29/2020 - 18:28lotusDear experts, I would like to know how to understand and use the results of multivariate coefficient of GCA. I choose the ROI mode. There are two kinds of .txt in the result folder 1) GCA_sub_*_order1. txt, what is the means of matrix in the text?what is the...2527 reads
Sat, 05/23/2020 - 08:32Jiahui Cai*.txt文件是什么来,我选择的是voxel wise ROI为aal 37区 海马。FC.nii图像文件在海马的区域应该是为1吧,为什么不是,我认为这是相关系数的矩阵之类,但是在指定ROI里不是1? 还有个问题如果extract roi的话是选zFC?2428 reads