• Mon, 11/24/2014 - 23:33ma.shalchy
    Dear Experts Hi How could I extract peak voxel time series? Many thanks in advance. Best, mahsa
    14025 reads
  • Thu, 11/20/2014 - 02:28ma.shalchy
    Dear Experts Hi I have identified DMN using ICA algorithm and I would like to examin effective connectivity using GCA. As far as I know unlike functional connectivity,effective connectivity is presented as a set of nodes (regions) and edges. How should I...
    5779 reads
  • Wed, 11/19/2014 - 23:20lhldrs
    Cluster 7 Number of voxels: 287 Peak MNI coordinate: -3 -24 51 Peak MNI coordinate region: // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Medial Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 6 // Paracentral_Lobule_L (aal) Peak intensity: 4.0519 # voxels structure...
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  • Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:14Yangmei Luo
      各位老师好!           请教一个问题:我最近按照一般的流程,将功能像slice time correction, realign, nuisance covariates regeression, normalize, smooth, filter之后,然后采用Seed-based 的方法,采用PCC等种子点做FC,对FC的结果(z打头的文件)做单样本t检验,结果发现,这些似乎有像DMN的趋势,但是它们的“激活...
    5633 reads
  • Wed, 11/12/2014 - 20:48sugizo1991
    4342 reads
  • Wed, 11/12/2014 - 01:38rnorth51
     Hello DPARSFA researchers, I'm working with two different subject populations - one which has 31 rfMRI slices and 240 time points and one which has 36 slices and 300 time points. There are a couple of patients who have different numbers of slices as...
    6123 reads
  • Fri, 11/07/2014 - 17:07GaoYi
     各位老师好:        请教:1. 用dpabi做REHO的统计学分析,在统计学计算时没有加BRAIN mask,看图做Alphasim时加Brain mask的得到的结果,与在统计学计算时加BRAIN mask,看图做Alphasim时加Brain mask的得到的结果完全不同,哪个是对的呢?                 2. 同一组被试前、中、后,...
    9236 reads
  • Thu, 11/06/2014 - 20:17richard.bethlehem
    Hi all, Hopeing that you all might be able to help. I've only recently started using the latest version of DPARSF together with the latest version of spm(12). One thing I noticed is that in the new spm version the tpm maps are organized differently and don't...
    4177 reads
  • Wed, 11/05/2014 - 22:30zewang
     这次会议邀请了NIDA所长、著名成瘾研究科学家Nora Volkow, 艾滋病鸡尾酒疗法发明人何大一,研究吸烟有关的基因方面著名的学者Ming Li 教授,在成瘾治疗方面卓有成著的 Yih-Ing Hser教授,在成瘾和艾滋病研究方面享有盛誉的Linda Chang (2015 HBM在夏威夷的组织主席) 等等,希望国内从事成瘾研究的同仁积极参加。会议网站为 http://www.caldar.org/html2/2015-international-conference-global-health....
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  • Wed, 11/05/2014 - 22:11zewang
    A NIDA sponsored international conference will be held in Hangzhou in April 2015. The focus will be drug addiction and HIV. Please visit the following webpage for details.  The deadline for submitting an abstract is Dec 1 2014.  http://www.caldar....
    3396 reads