Fri, 11/15/2013 - 03:30Mamtis13Dear experts, When conducting a FC analysis in DPARSFA, it seems I cannot specify two runs per person. Is this correct or is there a way to do an FC analysis using both runs in DPARSFA? If I cannot specify two runs and instead compute separate zFC maps...4842 reads
Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:43Dr. NahlaHi everyone I have a question regarding the slice viewer. I performed paired T test from the rest toolbox on a group with 6 subjects for 2 conditions. When I overley it with the template (ch2), it keep giving me an error when I was trying to change the...4081 reads
Thu, 11/14/2013 - 10:12taoflydcm的roi一般是在spm里面,用eigenvariate提取,我看了dcm的程序,没完全看懂,好像还有将roi时间序列detrend,白化的处理再建立模型。请问能否将rest提取出的roi作为dcm的输入呢(rest的roi有正负,而spm提取的roi只有正值)。谢谢老师!5706 reads
Wed, 11/13/2013 - 18:06junperson请问各位大侠, 如果扫描的slice是偶数层 (如30层) slice order 和 reference slice 应该怎么设置? 谢谢!^^7315 reads
Tue, 11/12/2013 - 12:36yeshionmatlab下运行spm8 fmri 处理BOLD数据进行segment时出现如下错误,各位老师给予指导吧,小弟新手,谢谢! Running 'Segment' Failed 'Segment' Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options. In file "E:\softs\spm8\spm8\spm_prep2sn.m" (v4276), function "create_def"...5591 reads
Mon, 11/11/2013 - 18:50lixiangcxIn the xjview and the slice viewer, even if I set the same p value (and the same cluster size), the thresholds are different. Why? For example: ...4871 reads
Sat, 11/09/2013 - 19:25杨先生small volume correction指的是怎样的一种校正,他与其他的的校正方法相比有什么不同,并且这种校正相对于其他的校正方法,它的严格严格程度是怎样的? 还有voxel-wise与cluster-wise的校正有什么区别?12342 reads