• Wed, 10/23/2013 - 22:23jane
    Hi, I am confused about the result of the new version of dparsfa. What's the difference between ALFFMAP and mALFFMAP? Thanks a lot. Jane
    3995 reads
  • Wed, 10/23/2013 - 20:37ella_zm
     Hello. I have some problems with the downloading the REST Toolbox. I`m getting the next error: Incorrect format for file ./languages/ru.txt on line 1. Format is "variable name[tab]value" Yours sincerely, Elina.
    2773 reads
  • Tue, 10/22/2013 - 21:41water
    下面黑体是matlab中红色显示的错误,仅仅是因为内存不足吗?有没有其他错误? 如果转移到其他机器上继续做,是不是需要把所有文件夹拷贝走? >> DPARSF Welcome: Administrator, 2013-10-22 20:48 Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) Basic Edition. Release=V2.3_130615 Copyright(c) 2009; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC...
    7035 reads
  • Mon, 10/21/2013 - 21:25water
    飞利浦3.0扫描数据,包括BOLD和DTI,使用REST1.8分类数据时,matlab2010b报错,如下: ??? Error using ==> rest_waitbar at 30 User canceled the operation! Error in ==> rest_DicomSorter at 27      rest_waitbar(i/length(rawdata), ... Error in ==>...
    5272 reads
  • Mon, 10/21/2013 - 10:26taofly
    严老师:        您好!我用rest做gca,提取roi那步选的提取小球,它是通过平均小球内的体素得到的时间序列。看到不少文献说gca和PCA主成分结合的方法更好,于是尝试着将平均换成提取主成分的时间序列,效果不好,贡献率都太不集中了。请问您是否也考虑过主成分的方法呢?        而另外一种效应连接,利用spm做dcm的时候,是在result里面的“...
    8272 reads
  • Mon, 10/21/2013 - 09:47杨先生
      时间序列是用matlab提取的用group-ica跑出来的某个脑网络的时间序列。     用rest做功能连接时,Data directory这一选项所选择的文件是什么,为什么要选择这一部分文件? 做功能连接时,如果用的是voxel wise做功能连接,所选择的是Default mask,对吗?求相关求的就是所选择的那个ROI与default mask之间的相关对吗? 做功能连接时,如果用的是ROI wise做功能连接,所选择的是No mask对吗?  ...
    6732 reads
  • Sat, 10/19/2013 - 00:46jane
    Hi, I chosed a seed and finished the funcational connectivity with the whole brain. And then how to do the correlation between the altered  funcational connectivity and the behavior data? Thanks! Jane Thu, 10/17/2013 - 02:18 — ZHANG_RESTadmin...
    4665 reads
  • Fri, 10/18/2013 - 20:43water
     初次接触静息态,对照着1.0版教程应用1.8版软件。 将dicom分为img和hdr后,进行局部一致性分析时,总是出现以下错误,matlab版本、出现错误和错误描述如图所示,请教。
    3631 reads
  • Fri, 10/18/2013 - 10:40jigongjun
     跑 AlphaSim遇到两个问题,请帮忙解答下吧: 1. 跑完 AlphaSim ,给出来的txt内没有“CL.....Alph”对应的值。 2. 报错
    3865 reads
  • Fri, 10/18/2013 - 10:11omaximo
     Hi, I have a question regarding scaling. Before I run my regression model, I scale my fmri data to 100. In order to include nuisance regressors from wm and ventricles, I extract signal from these regions before applying any spatial smoothing, but these...
    5580 reads