• Sat, 11/23/2013 - 15:32Yoshinari Abe
    Dear Zang and REST experts   In July, I asked you a question about REST GCA when I was troubled in the case of y2x analysis. Then, I had acquired reasonable outcomes and thank you for all your help.   And now, there are some discussions about...
    4777 reads
  • Sat, 11/23/2013 - 14:57wangchunxia
    5465 reads
  • Sat, 11/23/2013 - 14:54wangchunxia
              大家好,我是rest的初学者,病组和对照作双样本T检验,添加.txt的协变量,其内的数据应该如何输,一个数一空格,还是一个数一回车,两种方法试着均报错  Two Sapmle T Test Calculating... .......Error using horzcat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent....
    4203 reads
  • Fri, 11/22/2013 - 01:56Mamtis13
    Dear experts, I have a couple of questions regarding the 'T1 dicom to Nifti' function as well as the reorient boxes which are marked with an asterisk in the DPARSFA toolbox. It would be very helpful if you had any comments or details on the following issues...
    6409 reads
  • Fri, 11/22/2013 - 00:08Chen0075
     Hi, Yan, I created a specific T1 template. Can I use this template in VBM8_toolbox analysis (default setting, except the change of template during normalization). It will be right?  By using REST, can I merge one gray matter map and one white...
    3376 reads
  • Thu, 11/21/2013 - 23:50Chen0075
     Hi,  I have a question about how to decide ICA component number. I am to tell my riviewer that it is based on the experience (1/3-1/4 volumes, is it right?), but I did not find the relevant references. Could you provide some references for me?...
    3568 reads
  • Thu, 11/21/2013 - 11:17李川0810
    老师:      您好!      请原谅我的冒昧打扰。最近本人在做GCA的ROI-Wise网络研究,其中遇到了一些问题想向您请教。      (1)order的设定是否与roi为二元或者多元有关吗?如果有,不知道具体的设定规则是什么样的?      (2)在做基于残差的计算时,生成了多个文件,不知道每个文件中的数值分别代表什么?其值是Z分数还是F分数?(文件以附件形式添加)  ...
    7589 reads
  • Thu, 11/21/2013 - 00:51jane
    Hi, We have fMRI data from different sites with different parameters. I have preprogressed them separately using dparsfa. And then can I put them together as a group to analyse the functional connectivity? Thanks. Jane
    5413 reads
  • Tue, 11/19/2013 - 22:54richerqu
    DPARSFA计算出的resault下 REHO 有三种类型的文件sw***  swm*** swz*** 三种类型打头的文件   zMap是减均值除标准差,mMAP则是除均值,是这样子理解的吗? 那是用哪个进行统计分析呢?谢谢老师了
    3743 reads
  • Tue, 11/19/2013 - 20:27zhoujun
     各位老师您好:      我基于某几个ROI计算ALFF,每个被试得出一个*.nii文件,然后我做one-sample t-test,得出T*.nii文件,我该如何取出我定义的ROI的ALFF值呢?弱弱的问一下,ALFF可以用来做些什么工作呢?我之前这样做的步骤对吗? 谢谢各位老师帮忙回答!
    25768 reads