• Tue, 10/29/2013 - 11:17yyy
    用dparsf处理数据时,报错,错误为:Index exceeds matrix dimensions. 请问为什么会出现这个问题?
    4269 reads
  • Tue, 10/29/2013 - 06:47bonjovi_hou
    严老师,您好,我用新版DPARSF_A的Basic Version跑静息态数据,得到的Results文件夹里,有zFCMap_sub001_....nii格式数据。但在Rest软件"Add Group Images" 里输入结果时,提示“There is no data or non-data files in this directory, please re-select”。 去年我用DPARSF跑数据的时候,在Results文件夹里有.hdr/.img格式文件。...
    4624 reads
  • Mon, 10/28/2013 - 23:58Ramesh
     Dear Members, I am analysing rFMRI of 2 subjects. I am doing ReHo analysis by using REST. I have done all the analysis as mentioned in the REST Course ppt. But I am facing some probelm in result part. >When I statr to use SPM for one sample t-test I...
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  • Mon, 10/28/2013 - 13:26zhoujun
    老师您好:       我用dparsf头动校正后,生成ExcludeSubjects.txt 文件,我想剔除几个头动较大的被试,我是不是直接删除头动较大的被试呢,然后继续后面的操作,还是需要其他处理? 谢谢老师!
    6870 reads
  • Sun, 10/27/2013 - 11:27liuchen
    最近自己的一篇文章被PLOS ONE大修,方法学比较简单:一组病人与正常人之间ALFF自发脑活动的比较,数据的处理全部都是使用DPARSF进行的标准处理流程。 但是审稿人提了很多数据处理技术上的问题,鉴于自己的医学背景,望请各位高人指教,谢谢。 第一个问题:Q.2 The investigators excluded data that exceeded a specific motion threshold. However, it would be important to know if there...
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  • Sun, 10/27/2013 - 03:56bonjovi_hou
     请教一下,我在用DPARSF处理数据的时候,始终在Slice timing上报错,请见图片呈现的报错内容(见图)。我在2012年处理的时候,用同样的数据和参数处理没有任何问题,现在用的是Matlab R2012b和SPM8,请问这个是否会对处理程序有影响?多谢!
    3693 reads
  • Sat, 10/26/2013 - 11:35Authenty
    最近,我们发现疼痛敏感性的个体差异与楔前叶(precuneus)的灰质体积GMV异常有关(高敏感性个体GMV↘)。我们希望根据已采集的DTI,进一步检验与 precuneus 相连的白质纤维是否同样有结构异常。由于技术限制,我们目前打算只做FA与行为的相关分析,但是遇到一些问题,希望各位老师予以解答: 1. 这项研究的目的是探索目标行为敏感性的脑结构基础,如前所述,我们根据GMV结果选定precuneus为兴趣区,然后从白质FA的角度进一步 “验证” Precuneus结构差异的重要性(正在跑数据尚未拿到结果...
    4665 reads
  • Sat, 10/26/2013 - 00:50bwmooneyham
    Hello, I have been working on interpreting results from an ANCOVA using resting-state functional connectivity data, and after applying AlphaSim cluster-extent thresholds, I have several clusters of voxels that reach significance.  What I would like to do...
    3620 reads
  • Sat, 10/26/2013 - 00:39bwmooneyham
    Hello, I am working on applying multiple-comparison corrections to resting-state data that has been subjected to ANCOVA.  I have used AlphaSim to determine the cluster-extent thresholds for various p-values (e.g., p=.005 yields a cluster size threshold...
    4310 reads
  • Thu, 10/24/2013 - 15:36shengk
    审稿人提出“It should be noted that positive/negative connections always denote the connections with positive/negative Pearson correlation coefficients, which are different from those show increased/decreased in one group compared to another group”....
    3838 reads