Thu, 10/17/2013 - 16:32listening27请教个问题:某个区域ReHo值的大小跟该区域的灰质密度有没有关系?ReHo值会不会受到灰质密度大小的影响呢?希望能找到相关的参考文献3820 reads
Thu, 10/17/2013 - 00:41janeHi, I chosed a seed and finished the funcational connectivity with the whole brain. And then how to do the correlation between the altered funcational connectivity and the behavior data? Thanks! Jane4731 reads
Tue, 10/15/2013 - 16:48dastardHi I am encountering this problem since one day and i dont know how to resolve it. I have fmri Images (240, with TR 2.5), i have already preprocessed them using SPM08 ( they are realigned, normalized and smoothed). I have placed them in folder C:\...5510 reads
Mon, 10/14/2013 - 09:43ZHANG_RESTadmin“静息态功能磁共振基础与临床”研讨会第二轮通知 尊敬的女士/先生: 您好! ...5851 reads
Sun, 10/13/2013 - 08:08ZangYF“静息态功能磁共振基础与临床”研讨会第二轮通知 尊敬的女士/先生: 您好! 由杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心举办的静息态功能磁共振在脑疾病的应用学术研讨会将于2013年10月25日至27日在杭州召开。会议邀请了静息态功能磁共振领域的基础与临床的专家约40人做学术报告,涉及领域包括神经影像学、神经内科学、神经外科学、精神医学、心理学、计算科学等等,旨在推动静息态功能磁共振及其相关技术的多学科基础与临床研究。 此外,会议还将安排短的口头报告,...5529 reads
Wed, 10/09/2013 - 18:37aguineaHi, I am trying to make an alpha-sim from a mfALFF contrast map created by using SPM (but no REST toolbox), and always appear the same error when I try to calculate the smooth: ?? Undefined function or variable "testFlag". Error in ==>...7230 reads
Wed, 10/09/2013 - 01:00miyata10Dear Experts, I'm new to REST and would like to use AlphaSim for my study. When I try to run AlphaSim, it always gives me following error message: Undefined function 'bwlabeln' for input arguments of type 'double'. Error in rest_AlphaSim (line 78) ...9724 reads
Mon, 10/07/2013 - 06:57Chen0075Hi, you told us how to set the "0" in the X direction before, using REST by the code:[Data Voxe Head]=rest_readfile('1mm.nii.gz');Data(1:90,:, :)=0 but how can we set "o" in the Y/Z directions? Thanks!4030 reads
Sun, 10/06/2013 - 22:42lihong各位老师,现在已经得出了双样本检验的显著差异脑区,下一步我想用临床的评分来评价这些显著差异脑区与评分的关系。 我的问题是:1.我分别提取每个被试的每一个显著差异脑区(例如:A脑区、B脑区)的平均FC值,然后用Excel直接做相关性分析,这种做法是否可取? 2.我分别提取每个被试的每一个显著差异脑区(例如:A脑区、B脑区)的模板,然后用REST的rest correlation...7079 reads
Sat, 10/05/2013 - 20:53yth0306请问,用DPARSFA分析数据,出现如下错误 fanshucai OKMoving Head Motion Corrected Files:c-fangjiajia OKMoving Head Motion Corrected Files:c-chensi OK ??? Undefined function or method 'rest_ReadNiftiImage' for input arguments of type 'char'. Error in ==> y_FD_Jenkinson at 31...7088 reads