Sat, 10/05/2013 - 13:40Authenty我要做灰质体积与行为指标的相关,根据已有理论,我欲分别考察两个系统的灰质体积,一个是DMN系统,一个是Pain Matrix系统(使用WFU自己作的mask),已经有了这两个系统对应的2个mask。结果,如果在全脑上进行矫正,很多假设中的区域不能过矫正,而那些相对最强的cluster又与假设很契合,因此希望在这两个mask内来做矫正(PNAS上采用这样的处理办法)。 如果我希望在一篇文章中分别回答这两个系统的灰质体积是否与目标行为相关的话, 1.1 我在迟疑究竟是否必须把两个mask合并,...8692 reads
Fri, 10/04/2013 - 17:42Susanna CarmonaHi, I'm trying to run some functional connectivity analyises on the ABIDE data by using DPARSFA and, just after applying the Reorientation Matrices (downloaded from http://www.restfmri.net/forum/DownloadedReorientMats), I get the following error (...11944 reads
Mon, 09/30/2013 - 22:16Chen0075Hi, As we know, there are two templates in spm: East and European templates. I want to know where (directory and file-name) these two templates are included in spm folder, because I want to do a comparasion between them. could you tell me that?...19601 reads
Sun, 09/29/2013 - 15:37TonyHou老师,以及各位先进: 我使用rest的functional connectivity作Voxel-wise的FC之后,发现我preprossing的资料原本有170个档案(一共约80mb) 出来的zFC却只剩下大约1mb大小的一个档案,同时我的matlab window出现这些警告 Computing functional connectivity with:"C:\import\20130927\Analysis\...4438 reads
Sat, 09/28/2013 - 23:45Mamtis13Dear DPARSFA and resting state experts, Having followed your advice on how to set up the pipeline pre-processing for my resting state data (thank you very much for your advice, that was very helpful indeed!), I have now moved on to the fucntional connectivity...7104 reads
Wed, 09/25/2013 - 21:42dastardHi I have done done FC Analysis along with ALFF. In SPM i usually get a matrix, which you can view after clicking 'Results' and rendering brain image over it. Is there a similar way in DPARSF to view results in pictorial form ? Thanks3807 reads
Sat, 09/21/2013 - 22:17liwenfu各位老师好 新版DPARSF生成的zALFFMap、zfALFF和老版本生成的mALFF-1、mfALFF-1的区别的是什么那?对于结果会产生什么影响哪或者说应该怎么选择取舍哪?谢谢!8071 reads
Sat, 09/21/2013 - 01:12RameshDear Members We have Philips Acheiva 1.5 T fMRI scanner. For my rs fMRI study I wnat to set the scan parameters as follows. Please give your suggession if there is any mistake. EPI, TR=2 s, TE=30ms, dynamics=120, slices=50, Flip angle=90 degree, FOV=...6102 reads
Fri, 09/20/2013 - 22:43chlaiDear all REST experts: Recently I worked on the functional connectivity function of REST toolbox, but I found that it showed some error messages about ROI dimension when I imported the cluster ROI files. The error messages were as follows Error using ==>...4156 reads