Thu, 07/25/2013 - 19:07Helen SawayaDear all, I am using the fc_gui to calculate the functional connectivity between two ROIs of my patient and control groups. I included all my participants in the same analysis (one directory for patients and one for controls). The ROI_FCMaps that are...4113 reads
Thu, 07/25/2013 - 16:11SheepY各位老师,同学,请求帮助,谢谢了~ 报错如下: The following modules did not run: Failed: Slice Timing ??? Error using ==> cfg_util at 835 Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the...5715 reads
Thu, 07/25/2013 - 15:29xujunhai各位老师: 我想做基于voxel的functional connectivity,不知道怎么提取每个voxel的signal sequence?需要什么mask还是software? 谢谢!4821 reads
Wed, 07/24/2013 - 16:14rest_yan547833397严老师: 您好。我在运行DPARSFA时,出现以下错误。请问这是哪出问题了? Running 'Run DARTEL (create Templates)' Failed 'Run DARTEL (create Templates)' Undefined function 'file2mat' for input arguments of type 'struct'. In file "/home/shang/mat_tools/...3703 reads
Tue, 07/23/2013 - 18:55kvoigtHello, I am searching for papers discussing the issue on structural connectivity might reflecting functional connectivity (e.g. Greicius, Supekar, & Dougherty, 2009; but not necessarily vice versa; Deco, Jirsa, & McIntosh, 2011). If...6146 reads
Tue, 07/23/2013 - 11:26杨先生我想问一下,用dparsf做出的reho数据有reho开头的,有mreho开头的,有在reho开头的,具体分析时要用哪一个啊?5447 reads
Mon, 07/22/2013 - 03:24Yangmei Luo各位老师好! 我想请教一下各位老师,在fMRI研究中,应该如何来做大脑和行为之间的关系。 1, 在一般的高分和低分极端组设计中,似乎通常的做法是这样的:对两个组进行独立样本t检验,对有差异的脑区即ROI提取平均值,比如ReHo的平均值,然后分别在高分组和低分组内做ROI提取的平均值与某个量表的Pearson相关。但是这样做的效果我得到的不是很理想。有时候得不到显著的结果。有时候得到的结果甚至和独立样本t检验的结果互相矛盾。比如,在高分组中发现某个脑区的ReHo值高于低分组,...5502 reads
Sat, 07/20/2013 - 00:47RosaliaDear Resting experrts, I am getting an error message with Matlab. I think that the problem is that I did not set the path correctly to the folder where I want the results. First of all, I have downloaded and installed the toolkit in MATLAB in a Ubuntu (...3764 reads
Fri, 07/19/2013 - 23:00rest_yan547833397老师您好: 我用DPARSFA caculate in MNI space (warp by DARTEL);准备好相应的T1RAW和FunRaw; 包如下错误: Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line 223) if strcmpi(DirDCM(3)....5835 reads
Fri, 07/19/2013 - 19:17aperryHello, I am receiving a bug when extracting the ROI signals (i.e white matter, CSF) for the nuisance covariates regression. The error appears after slice timing, realignment have been done. The error I received is below, I believe it is due to...8816 reads