Mon, 06/24/2013 - 23:53jennaHi experts, I am running a resting state FC analysis, and am confused at my FC maps resulting from REST. I have attached an image. It looks as though the FC map is not including many inferior regions of the brain. I was wondering....does this...11944 reads
Mon, 06/24/2013 - 12:37chenyuchen1989严老师: 您好!我的underlay解剖图像和overlay的功能图像大小不一致,无法重叠成一张图,应该怎么来调整成一致呢?谢谢4098 reads
Sat, 06/22/2013 - 14:23pingfan2008老师们好。 近期,学习dparsf的新版与旧版的视频。 由于学生是新手,遇到些问题,论坛上也没有找到具体的答案。故还是冒昧地发帖子请教。 如有不妥之处,也请批评指正。先谢谢了: 1.Normalization这一步骤中,旧版的dparsf 如果将"采集到每个被试的T1像时,用T1像的联合分割方法,把功能像配到相应的T1像中",只需要填好这些参数normalize;bounding box; Voxel size; Normalize by T1 image unified...10562 reads
Fri, 06/21/2013 - 03:01nertmanHi, I just finished running a functional connectivity analysis using the REST toolbox. I am looking at the FC between 2 regions so I entered those as ROIs and chose ROI-wise analysis. The output is a series of txt files and I am wondering what exactly...7723 reads
Mon, 06/17/2013 - 20:11pingfan2008老师们,好。 近期看到一篇文章: Resting-state functional connectivity patterns predict Chinese word reading competency. PloS one, 7(9), e44848 里面提及的mask制作,此文是这样说: The RSFC analysis was performed using the Resting-State fMRI Data...8063 reads
Mon, 06/17/2013 - 08:13jiuer向各位老师请教一个问题啊: 用DPARSF_V2.2_130309 处理数据,在进行了slice timing;realign;Reorient Fun;Reorient T1;T1 coreg to Fun;New segment+DARTEL;Normalize 之后,准备进行接下来的步骤:Nuisance Covariates ...6261 reads
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:42pingfan2008Hi,All. DPARSF reported error when doing Functional Connectivity as followed, ============================================================== ??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object. Error in ==> fc at 54 ...6703 reads
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:03YAN Chao-GanGiven the amount of time and effort for interactive reorienting, here we release the reorient matrices for online data of Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) (Di Martino et al., 2013) (fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/abide/). Please download...4669 reads
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 15:48YAN Chao-GanUpdates and user support of DPARSF is now at http://rfmri.org/DPARSF170465 reads
Sat, 06/15/2013 - 16:42wen_qing_xia@126.com老师您好,我看了很多文献里都有做完功能连接以后提取Z值然后和量表等资料做相关,但是我不清楚这个z值是怎么提取的呢?我看的文献里都没有写这个具体过程。可以用rest 软件提取吗?3838 reads