Tue, 07/16/2013 - 18:50Helen SawayaHello! I was wondering if there is a tool in REST we could use to carry out mixed effects analyses? Thank you Helen3891 reads
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 16:24miskHi, do you guys know what the problem is here?: _____________________________________ Computing VMHC... Read 3D EPI functional images: "/SCR2/REST/FunImgsym/WY1K". ??? Error using ==> reshape To RESHAPE the number of elements...5395 reads
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 15:04SheepY各位老师们,同学们: 我是这方面新手,最近在学习中,我在安装DPARSF中,总是报错,工具包无法加入matlab中,已尝试了各个版本的DPARSF,均无效。 我使用的是rest v1.7和spm5。 DPARSF尝试打开,报错如下: ??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array...4014 reads
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 14:50miskHi, I get the following error message running the ALFF computation in DPARSF: _________________________ Computing ALFF... Read 3D EPI functional images: "/SCR2/REST/FunImgCWS/WY1K". Load mask ""....6882 reads
Sun, 07/14/2013 - 21:41fish各位老师: 我在用GIFT软件时,已经把数据转化成z值了,然后我再用rest分别做单样本t检验和双样本t检验,我想问这个时候report报出来的结果应该是t值还是z值呢?谢谢4380 reads
Sat, 07/13/2013 - 17:29GeaFirst thanks you for your great work!! I performed a multiple regression analysis in SPM8 with a behavioral score as vector for a resting state task. Then I performed the Alphasim test with T treshold at 0.005 rmm at 3 (for 3x3x3) and here...8337 reads
Fri, 07/12/2013 - 23:15chouyiyuDear DPARSF users, I was wondering if DPARSF is converting the fmri signals from arbitary scanner uints into percentage signal change during the processing step. I will appreciate it if you can let me know. Thanks in advance !! YY3670 reads
Fri, 07/12/2013 - 20:37nazliDear experts, I am new in REST software and i want to apply one sample and two sample t-tests on obtained ALFF maps. When I apply t-test from statistical analysis section, Matlab meets error (' rest_Fix_Read_Write_Error'). I applied every...7542 reads
Fri, 07/12/2013 - 19:30Helen SawayaDear experts, I am running only motion regression in DPARSFA and looking at the output it appears that the image is demeaned. Does it not output the functional image with the mean added back in order to use it for further processing? Thank you Helen4805 reads
Wed, 07/10/2013 - 00:26Chen0075严老师,您好,请问: 在做VBM的modulation时候我们经常这样选择: 单击Modulated normalized选择“affine+non-linear only”。这里的affine+non-linear only是什么意义,是说T1像经过affine和non-linear两次normalization,然后得到一幅MNI的图像? 在DPARSFA的VBM里面是如何选择normalization和modulation过程的。 谢谢!6310 reads