Resting-state fMRI topics


下载ABIDE提供的数据,发现fMRI和提供的atlas的voxel size都是3mm*3mm*3mm大小,但是两者的维度分别是:

fMRI data 维度 <61×73×61×T> (T is the number of time points).;
Harvard-Oxford (HO) atlas 维度<65×77×63>.

我尝试去除HO atlas两端的数据,使其维度变成<61×73×61>,而后先获取voxel time series,再对各个ROI内的voxel time series取平均,但是得到的ROI time series与ABIDE下下载的差异很大。

我尝试从其他网站下载Harvard-Oxford (HO) atlas,发现维度是 <61×73×61>,但是用这个atlas得到的对应ROI time series与ABIDE下载的差异也很大。


我的目标是获得voxel time series,请问这种情况如何处理?

Do I need to strip off all the additional planes of zeros before matching the fMRI data and the atlas?

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well..

I have a question about what kind of processing should be done before matching the fMRI data and the atlas. I got a suggestion that “additional planes of zeros should be firstly stripped off before changing the atlas to match the data”. If the Harvard-oxford atlas and the preprocessed functional image have different number of additional planes of zeros. What kind of processing should be done before matching them.



How to get the coordinates of centre of mass for each ROI

Dear all,

I downloaded the Harvard-Oxford atlas (ho_labels.csv and ho_roi_atlas.nii). These two files can be downloaded from, where youu can find "The subcortical and cortical ROIs were combined and then fractionated into functional resolution using nearest-neighbor interpolation. [Atlas][Labels]". Through load_nii('ho_mask_pad.nii'), I can get the index of voxel in each ROI. Fox example, I use the following code to get the index of the ROI labeled 10


请问Harvard-Oxford atlas下的110个Nodes能否归类到几个大网络(resting state networks)


我看到一些文章,都会把Nodes划分到不同网络,比如看到有的文章说到we utilized data from Smith et al.’s study to assign
264 nodes into 10 functional networks corresponding to the primary resting state networks (RSNs) [40].

[40] S. M. Smith, K. L. Miller, G. Salimi-Khorshidi, M. Webster, C. F. Beckmann, T. E. Nichols, J. D. Ramsey, and M. W.
Woolrich, “Network modelling methods for fmri,” Neuroimage, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 875–891, 2011.

请问Harvard-Oxford 这种模板下的Nodes有没有谁做过归类?直接按照现在110个Nodes的顺序画出的功能连接图(functional connectivity)看上去很散,很乱。谢谢

resting pCASL brain MRI images analysis 静息态pCASL磁共振分析

