ZangYF Group's CVs



我们在matlab2012a下加载了REST V1.8,之后运行其中的reho运算。
首先想问一下,REST开始运行时出现的“set REST Workers”对话框中,Parallel computation toolbox detected是什么意思? How many workers do you want REST to use?这个问题,如果只是想在计算机完成一组数据的reho值计算,是不是输入默认值0,然后ok就可以了?
我们输入0然后ok,在reho对话框中输入相关的参数然后do all,滤波的步骤可以完成,但之后就报错了,具体如下:

Removing the linear trend: D:


ROI wise计算种子点间功能连接系数,提取后进行两组比较,r值有正负,请问:

fsl head motion correction and DPARSFA motion artefacts regression


 请问问如果需要用 fsl 进行头动校正,选择 6 rigid body,这样算出来的参数估计,还可以使用去除协变量里的 rigid-body 6 进行 artefacts regression 吗。。?

 因为spm 和 fsl 的 realignment 算法不太一样,但又想做去除协变量。


detreding error

Hello all,

I receive the following error message when detrending in DPARSF.
Does anyone know what it means and how to solve this?

Thanks, jan

Removing the linear trend: C:
Read 3D EPI functional images: "C:\Users\Documents\MATLAB\\FunImgNormalizedSmoothed\P5201PLA"..............................

Detrend working. Wait.............

dcm2nii error - Permission denied


I wanted to run dcm2nii on my raw dicom files. unfortunately, matlab says "converting Functional Images:Sub_026 OK/bin/bash: ./dcm2nii_mac: Permission denied" and doesn't transfer the dicoms into .nii format. I already used the terminal (mac) trying to solve the issue with "chmod u+x ./dcm2nii_mac". This didn't help.

mGCA 结果如何看


最近用Rest做了基于系数的mGCA,结果出来了,是个12*12的P值(12个ROI),但是我不知道这个系数应该如何看,是row to column 还是column to row?有文章说是前者,但是具体为什么我也不懂。


3.15E-24 0.777128 0.183973 0.372583 0.426758 0.267168 0.911077 0.090198 0.95062 0.975273 0.867513 0.836962
0.866069 3.43E-24 0.685414 0.652474 0.04724 0.091468 0.635144 0.644233 0.269022 0.955114 0.757072 0.555135