Tue, 12/10/2013 - 14:30j_carlosHello, I installed REST in Matlab 2013A just adding the path with the function SetPath but then when I try to run >rest I got the following error: Error using cd Cannot CD to C:\Users\Carlos\AppData\Local\Temp (Name is nonexistent or not a...8908 reads
Tue, 12/10/2013 - 08:36kingdom523I'm here in a small hospital to research fMRI,and I don't have any partner and teacher.So I have many problems on making a mask.If someone have a mask for newborns,could you please offer me one?Thank you so much.4031 reads
Tue, 12/10/2013 - 05:20Chen0075Hi, Yan, I use VBM8 to process T1 data in which default setting is selected. But I have a question: ICBM template was firstly applied during unified segement, and another template derived from 550 healthy controls was then used during...3271 reads
Mon, 12/09/2013 - 13:35water处理了30例BOLD数据,预处理和ReHo都已经完成,想再做一个FC看一下,请问老师,是单独勾选FC那个选项吗?提示要有一个文件夹,那这个文件夹里放哪一步的数据?14384 reads
Sun, 12/08/2013 - 14:00yeshion我刚接触这个软件,也刚接触fMRI,请各位老师多多指教,输入参数截图如下 出现错误如下:3831 reads
Fri, 12/06/2013 - 21:55yeshion各位老师 我是一位临床专业学生,想通过对病人做静息态fMRI 分离出其DMN网络,并和正常人对比 我用什么方法或者软件工具区分离呢? 刚开始学习,还望多多指导,不胜感激5796 reads
Fri, 12/06/2013 - 10:40zhoujun各位老师您好: FC可以看出连接的增强减弱,我想看ROI的卷入程度,该如何看?用ALFF可以吗?还有什么方法可以用来看ROI的卷入程度。(卷入程度:比如我有前后两个静息态数据,我想看某一ROI活跃的变换,有可能变得不活跃,有可能活跃) 谢谢11004 reads
Fri, 12/06/2013 - 00:12Chen0075Hi, all, using the Rest, we can create the binary mask. Could I use REST to create a multiple-label image as mask, like AAL template? and how? Thanks!5074 reads
Thu, 12/05/2013 - 09:27water请问老师,DPARSF跑完一组数据ReHo后,MATLAB命令框中显示<<mnm,是什么意义?4012 reads
Wed, 12/04/2013 - 00:56RameshDear Members, I am trying to use DPARSF basic and advanced edition. I have downloaded demodata to learn connectivity analysis by using this software. But I could not able to uplead images from demodata. I have attached screen sht with this mail....4745 reads