REST doesn't support the selected ROI definition now

When i try to load a predefined ROI for seed based connectivity analysis, i get the following error:

??? Error using ==> rest_misc>ViewROI at 304
REST doesn't support the selected ROI definition now, Please

Error in ==> rest_misc at 196

Error in ==> rest_SetROI at 166
rest_misc( 'ViewROI',

Dealing with 2 sessions and use of mask

I am doing a seed region analysis for the entire n-back acquisition in two groups of subjects. I intend to finally compare the groups for differences.

1. Each subject had 2 sessions of n-back runs. I am able to get the seed region based FC maps and Z maps for each session separately. But how can I get a single contrast file from the 2 sessions for each subject?

关于rest的correlation analysis

最近我们尝试用rest的correlation analysis做量表与reho全脑的相关分析,想看下哪个脑区和量表相关比较显著。然后因为spm中的multiple regression也可以做全脑与量表算相关,又用spm算了下。 我们算的时候将年龄、性别等作为了协变量。


Mask filename = BrainMask_05_61x73x61
Voxels in mask = 70831
Gaussian filter width (FWHM, in mm) = 8.000
Cluster connection radius: rmm = 5.00
Individual voxel threshold probability = 0.001
Number of Monte Carlo simulations = 1000
Output filename = AlphaSimtext0.0018

A new research: large-scale brain functional and structural networks were disrupted in idiopathic generalized epilepsy

Brain. 2011 Oct;134(Pt 10):2912-28.
Altered functional-structural coupling of large-scale brain networks in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Zhang Z, Liao W, Chen H, Mantini D, Ding JR, Xu Q, Wang Z, Yuan C, Chen G, Jiao Q, Lu G.



我用FSL写了个SCRIPT做ALFF,不过对ALFF有个问题。FSL对raw data做预处理的时候,会把图像的中间值global normalize到10000左右 - the whole 4D data set is normalised by a single scaling factor ("grand mean scaling") 。这样到higher level的统计才正确。但是这样的问题是每个SUBJECT SCALE FACTOR不同,再进行FFT计算ALFF的时候,会对结果有所影响。那在REST里面怎么处理normalisation的问题的?


Help me about REST !Thank U !

Hi,teacher Yan,after the acquired data being processed by DPARSF,a RESULT folder containing FCresult is obtained,I want do some FC research such as One sample T test,but there is a button 'Mask File',I do not know how to use this button,please explain to me?
Another question,only Voxel-wise ROI can be finished in DPARSF?Then if I want do ROI-wise ,how can I realize?

mean images

I have the following issues with DPARSFA. I want to start from normalisation step for a set of images that are already realigned and slice ime corrected. I have also obtained mean images for these volumes. But when I try and start unified segmentation based normalisation, the DPARSFA starts searching for mean and does not fine it. It starts computing mean which takes a long time. The mean file is included along with 410 other images in each subject folder (410 time points, 1 mean image = in each subject folder).

Where should I put the mean files?

Regarding sensorimotor network

Dear experts,

I'm currently analyzing DMN (PCC/precuneus seed-based) using REST.
In addition, I want to analyze sensorimotor network in groups of subjects.
Is there a well-identified seed for this sensorimotor network?
If yes, please let me know the accurate MNI coordinates or the article that used this seed.

Thank you in advance for your kindness.
