Dear All
1- Why we should use mALFF-1 images for one sample t-test? why we can't use mALFF or ALFF images?
2- When I run 'Image calculator' in REST and add 20 mALFF images as group images and expression was "g1-1". The below error occured in matlab workspace:
??? Error using ==> horzcat
CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.

Error in ==> rest_WriteAnalyzeImage at 79

Is it possible to do the Functional connectivity analysis with not normalized data?


I would like to apply the functional connectivity analysis to patients who suffered lesions. Is it possible to use not normalized images? It seems that the 'DPARSF' does not allow this customization. Therefore, I am going to try to use SPM to pre-process the data then run the functional connectivity in REST2007. Would it be any problems in this way? Thank you very much in advance!

Happy Spring Festival!

Yong Li, PhD

SPM fMRI结果显示时遇到了问题?

我有个问题请教,还请您春节里抽空给予解答:单样本t检验、参数估计都很好,但结果显示时,选中FDR校正之后问P=0.05点回车确定,没有&extent threshold选项就直接蹦出下面的结果。

并且MATLAB command window里提示:
contrast image  1               :        ...written con_0001.img


No valid image in '.../PicturesForChkNormalization'


Recently, I have run 3 times ReHo analyses on healthy controls and patients. Two of them did not show any valid images in '.../PicturesForChkNormalization' but one analysis using patients' data had valid images. Does it mean any errors during the DPARSF process? Thank you very much in advance! If there is anything I can do to solve it out, please feel free to contact me!

Happy Spring Festival! All the best!

Yong Li

Error message in using REST Slice Viewer


This error message was found during using the slice viewer:

'Exception occured. (MATLAB:UndefinedFunction)
Undefined function or method 'imresize_old' for input arguments of type 'double'.
<a href="error:/data_RAID/li/worksoft/REST/REST2007V1.3_100201/rest_sliceviewer.m,2763,0">2763#line</a>, AddOverlay, in "/data_RAID/li/worksoft/REST/REST2007V1.3_100201/rest_sliceviewer.m"


Based on Resting State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit (REST), we implemented GCA on MATLAB as a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit. This toolkit, namely REST-GCA (as a component of REST), could output both the F on residual and the signed-path coefficient. REST-GCA also intergrates a programme that could transform the distribution of F on the residual to normal distribution and then permit parametric statistical inference at group level.

Please see the attachments for detailed discription and usage of REST-GCA.


    1、Slice timing中,我输入的TR=2s,但是当Slice timing结束,MATLAB command window却提示TR=0.4s,奇怪,这是什么意思?
    2、我在用REST提取协变量的时候跳出“Undefined function or method 'exist' for input arguments of type 'cell'.”的对话框,做不了,MALABcommand window 里提示
Exception occured. (MATLAB:UndefinedFunction)
Undefined function or method 'exist' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
1324#line, btnComputeFC_Callback, in "E:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\toolbox\rest2007v1.3_091215\fc_gui.m"


我注意到我的 DPARSF 在计算 ReHo 的时候,在 Matlab 的命令窗口给出了这样的信息:

Read these 3D EPI functional images.    wait...
     Read 3D EPI functional images: "/home/yun/fMRI/Rest/FunImgNormalizedDetrendedFiltered/Subject001".........................................

     Calculate the rank of time series on voxel by voxelWarning: Conversion rounded non-integer floating point value to nearest uint16 value.
> In reho at 139
  In DPARSF_run at 607

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

erro messages when extracting ROI times series and functional connectivity


I used DPARSF for extracting ROI time series and functional connectivity on previously precprocessed data.
My data are 53x63x46, so I've reslice mask with Coreg-Reslice under SPM as the video mentioned.
But error messages showed that wrong mask dimension was noted.
Moreover, these error messages remained even I chose "null mask" item.
Could someone tell me how to fix this problem?
(I've pasted the messages below)


??? Error using ==> rest_loadmask at 64