ZangYF Group's CVs

Centroid and Median cluster?

I am utilizing the DynamicBC k-means clustering algorithm and have encountered a file called the "Centroid", which is matrix that exhibits smaller values in comparison to the Median cluster. I am interested in understanding the underlying reasons for this discrepancy and determining which of these metraces, Centroid or Median cluster, is more appropriate for my analysis. Additionally, I would appreciate an explanation of the concept of "pCentroid" as well, which is in the same directory as the Centroid.

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各位RESTer,杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心系列培训班(第一期)“静息态脑成像原理、方法与应用” 将在925日至28日在杭州开班啦!详细课程、讲师、报名信息请参阅静息态论坛:

2014.4 南京fMRI春季培训班开始报名啦!


--- 多模态fMRI技术及应用专题
中国·南京 2014.4.24 – 4.27
主办单位: 北京中科美德医疗信息科技有限公司
支持单位: 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院

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