

请教一个关于global signal regression的问题

在Kevin Murphy(The impact of global signal regression on resting state correlations: Are anti-correlated networks introduced?)一文中:global signal regression is used as a regressor in a general linear model (GLM) to remove the associated variance.This technique assumes


严老师: 您好,我做了REHO的双样本t检验,结果如下:

Questions on DPARSFA

1. Should I use smReHO - 1 or just smReHO for a paired t-test?
2. In ExcludeSubjects.txt what is the default or recommended criteria for excluding subjects?
3. Which of the DPARSFA choices does NOT effect ReHo analysis? For example, if I check "smooth" will it smooth the data before ReHo or does "smooth" only apply to fALFF, ALFF, and FC analysis?

the same question with `Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.034803e-027` which was posted at Thu, 02/17/2011

Dear REST experts,

I encounter the same problem with `Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.034803e-027` which was posted at Thu, 02/17/2011. I was not able to find the answer in the forum about that.

Would you mind explaining how can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Yuki Sakai

Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

Hi again,
When I try to run the analysis on REST using the functional connectivity tab, I get the following error message. Does anyone know what indices the message is referring to? My header and img files have this label: 20101118_1621541BlankCTRLs003a001_120.img (or hdr).
Thank you very much.

Exception occured. (MATLAB:badsubscript)

"Index exceeds matrix dimensions"

Hi, I'm fairly new to functional imaging and am very interested in finding a resting state analysis program that is user friendly. I've encountered the following error message, which I can't figure out despite listening to the online tutorial several times. The way that I've entered the data looks just like the sample screens except that we use 36 slices and have 120 volumes of data.

关于ReHo 的问题

老师您好, 我已经比较了病例组和对照组的ReHo双样本T检验,然后想进一步做ReHo值和临床指标之间的相关分析,是不是在T检查的结果上选择每个有差异的地方进行分析呢? 还是计算全脑的ReHo 值和评分之间的关系?具体该怎么操作?请指教,谢谢!

Memory Error doing anything in DPARSF


I am analyzing fMRI NIFTI data that has already been converted by SPM on a Windows machine.

I'm getting an 'out of memory' error when I try to do anything, along with some other errors I don't understand. This computer has a decent amount of RAM (1.5 GB), I've tried closing all other programs, and tried 3 GB mode. Any idea what is going wrong?